Welcome to Shiva G. Rad, D.D.S.

We are committed to providing quality service to residents located In the Ann Arbor, MI area. Our website has additional information about the following topics: Dentist, Cosmetic Dentist, Family Dentist, General Dentist, Emergency Dentist, Dental Implants, Teeth Whitening, Dental Veneers, Dentures and Dental Crowns.

Recent Posts

Why Botox Is Used As An Esthetic Dentistry Treatment

Why Botox Is Used As An Esthetic Dentistry Treatment

We have all heard about how Botox® is used to eliminate the early signs of aging. But what you may not know is that the injectable protein that relaxes muscles and reduces wrinkles can also be useful for various esthetic dental procedures by helping enhance smiles and reducing pain. Esthetic dentistry refers to various types of…

When Should I Consider Dermal Fillers From A Dentist?

When Should I Consider Dermal Fillers From A Dentist?

People opt for dermal fillers from a dentist for different purposes. Professional dentists have the skills and expertise to remarkably transform the appearance of the smile and the general aesthetics of the teeth. They are also trained in changing facial looks with the same aesthetic skills and meticulousness required for creating appealing smiles.With rejuvenation procedures…